
light in the church

Weekly Worship:

  • Sundays at 8:30 am  – A said service of Holy Communion (BCP) (September through June)

  • Sundays at 10:30 am –  A service of Holy Communion (BAS) with Hymns and Music

  • In care and consideration for all, if you are not feeling well, or have any ill symptoms such as coughing, fever, fatigue, or a sore throat, please stay home and join us for the worship services that are offered online. We are delighted to welcome you online if you are not able to join us in person. Thank you.

At the Church of the Epiphany all are welcome to receive the Holy Communion. We discourage the practice of dipping the bread into the wine. If you are uncomfortable taking the wine from the Chalice, Communion in one kind (Bread only) is considered full communion. If you prefer not to receive the Wine, simply touch the bottom of the Chalice as it is offered to you or cross your arms across your chest. Please do not leave the Communion rail before the Chalice passes you.