
Please make sure we have your current e-mail address

If you were receiving our weekly newsletter Epiphany This Week (ETW) via e-mail, and had a persona e-mail address, chances are that you are now now no longer receiving it. It seems many @persona or @personainternet e-mail addresses are no longer working. If you wish to continue receiving our newsletter, please make sure we have your current e-mail address.

ALL are WELCOME to join us a as we Celebrate Christmas & Epiphany


Fourth Sunday in Advent ~ 10:30am

Worship Celebration for the Fourth Sunday in Advent.

Holy Eucharist and the lighting g of the 4th Advent Candle.

Christmas Eve ~ 5:00pm

Back by popular demand, Pajama Church for the young and for the young at heart. People of ALL AGES are welcome to wear their cozy, comfy pajamas as we hear the Christmas story in a informal family worship service with Holy Eucharist.

Christmas Eve ~ 9:00 pm traditional choral Christmas Eve worship service with Holy Eucharist.

Christmas Day ~ Monday December 25th ~ 10:30am ~ Join us as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour! Worship service with Holy Eucharist.

The Feast of the Epiphany & New Years Eve Morning ~ Sunday, December 31st ~ 10:30am ~ Join us as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour! Worship service with Holy Eucharist.



Rev. Elizabeth & ETW on Summer Break.

REV. ELIZABETH will be taking her summer break beginning on Tuesday August 1st and will be back in the parish to lead worship on Sunday August 27th.  In the event of a pastoral emergency during Rev. Elizabeth’s break, please contact our Deputy Warden, Marion Collinson.

ETW SUMMER BREAK: Please note that the ETW Team is taking a summer break. Our last ETW for the summer is July 21st  and the next edition issued will be during the week of Sunday September 3rd. In the meantime, please be assured that any pertinent news or announcements will be communicated by email. Thank you to all Epiphany members who faithfully support and contribute to our parish newsletter throughout the year. We wish you all a safe, happy and healthy summer season.